Purpose Designed Helicopter Portable Air Compressors
To meet the unique demand of many drilling contractors working in remote locations where access by roads and other traditional methods is not possible, NCA has designed and developed a unique range of Heli-Portable Air Compressors which can be safely lifted and transported by light, single engine helicopters like Bell 206, AS350, Bell 407, or other similar capacity helicopters.
Heli-Portable Air Compressors, are a category of our Lightweight Compressors which is very popular with many Oil and Gas Seismic Shot Hole Drilling, Mineral Exploration Drilling (Reverse Circulation or Rotary Air Blast), or Geotechnical Drilling contractors for their simple modular design, easy operation, superior performance, highest power to weight ratio amongst any air compressor class in the market and excellent portability.
Today NCA Helicopter Portable Air Compressors are operating in every corner of the world and in extreme operating conditions
NCA Heli-Portable Air Compressors
National Compressed Air is a world leader in design and production of Helicopter Portable Air Compressor packages. Using energy efficient air end designs and capacity control methods, our range of Heli-Portable Air Compressors cover volumes from 200 to 400 SCFM and discharge pressures of up to 250 PSIG. Our volume and pressure ranges are very carefully designed to meet the ITH (In-the-Hole) and rotary drilling requirements of our drilling contractors.
These air compressors are offered in single piece or two-piece modular frame designs with certified lifting hooks. NCA Single piece Heli-Portable Air Compressor weighs around 1800 lbs, and two-piece Heli-Portable Air Compressor weighs 600 lbs for airend module and 1200 lbs for the engine module. Setting up our two-piece Heli-Portable Air Compressors is very easy, intuitive and quick for site operators.

Helicopter portability, safety, easy operation and energy efficiency are the corner stones of NCA Heli-Portable Air Compressor design. NCA also offers a number of very unique optional features to meet very specific and unique demands of our drilling contractors.
Need more pressure? At National Compressed Air, we also offer Heli-Portable Booster Compressors, that can boost the pressure of your existing compressor(s) on-site, or they can be combined with NCA’s atmospheric Heli-Portable Air Compressors to create a Heli-Portable High-Pressure Compressor system.
With our vast engineering capabilities and industry experience, NCA offers a variety of options, features, and customizations for Heli-Portable Compressors to suit your specific project needs.
Given our extensive experience and successful track record in this niche, NCA is considered as the preeminent manufacturer in Heli-Portable Air Compressors worldwide.
If you are considering a Lightweight Heli-Portable Compressor for your project, please review our features, options and advantages below. Contact our head office to speak with our sales representatives and experts about your requirements or request a quote.